Aren’t we supposed to be in this fight together? :-/

Rebecca Jessica
2 min readSep 30, 2020
Source: Ai Yazawa, Madhouse — Paradise Kiss (2011)

Round-the-table talks of our apparel brand, just me and my 2 gay best friends. Discussing our steps going forth, a snarky comment regarding my “mood swings vs. punctuality” came up. Things quickly heated up. Us being inebriated didn’t help. Name-called and eyes bawling out, I just wanted to go home.

Pent-up aggression had built up in me. Lack of sensitivity towards intersectionality. Frustrated with them not adding enough weight to our privileges, especially in humor. “N….”, “”, felt like the core of these jokes where I failed to find any humorous value. “Sheltered Ignorance” I called it.

Convinced I suppressed my thoughts. As time passed, I moved to the passenger seat. It had turned into repressed emotions instead. Oftentimes can’t help but think about how much easier life could’ve been if I hadn’t become aware of the social issues I now hold so near to my heart. Here’s to finding a balance between lying to others and lying to myself… middle ground!


Guys, if you’re reading this…

No hard feelings, we’ve resolved things as best we can during the intervention, and let’s continue to resolve things henceforth.

This was just a stream of thoughts I had when backtracking this night :9




